Why FWB Dating is Becoming a New Trend

| by FWBtinder.com

Dating apps have changed dating culture for new generations. Gone are the days of old-fashioned courting, replaced with searching, swiping, and sexting. Living in our digital era has made it easy to instantly connect with likeminded people and search for whatever you like and want from dating.

Just look at all the dating apps available out there! There's an app for everything, whether it's a certain kink, fetish, niche, casual sex, long-term romance - anything and everything!

This has led to some rather unique dating trends in recent years. Tinder was responsible for the explosion of casual dating and hook-ups using dating apps, while a trend to emerge in recent years is friends with benefits (FWB).

Simply put, you search for someone looking for FWB on a dating app like FWB Tinder and see what you find. Many singles are looking for fun and casual romance but with someone they know and trust, such as a friend!

There's no romance, jealously, or any type of commitment - just two people that become friends that happen to have sex! It's an interesting concept - but why are some many people getting in on this new trend on dating apps?

FWB Dating

Find Local FWB

The big appeal about dating apps is the make it easy to find local people to date. Most use location-based data to match people living in a similar area, which is making it easier for people to find local friends with benefits!

Think about it - before dating apps finding a friends with benefits relationship was quite tough! Not anymore!

Now, you can search for local FWB that you may have struggled to find before dating apps. You can get paired with people that actually want to have FWB relationships rather than trying to suggest it to a current friend.

Simply put, FWB relationships are a hot trend because dating apps have made it easier to find people that want one in the first place!

Can Filter People Out

Another big benefit of dating apps is the ability to quickly filter out people you aren't interested. We're all picky when it comes to dating, with everyone having their own tastes and preferences, and dating apps have made it much quicker to search for the right person.

This applies to someone looking for an FWB relationship too! You can easily filter out people you aren't attracted to and search for people actively seeking FWB relationship, making the entire process much more streamlined.

When something becomes easier to do it generally becomes more popular, which is exactly what's happening with dating apps and friends with benefits.

Saves Embarrassment

Broaching the idea of being friends with benefits can be quite embarrassing for many. For one, you might get rejected, while you could also end up risking ruining a good friendship with someone just by asking them.

Dating apps let you avoid all of this. People on dating apps are very specific about what they want, whether it's a one-night stand, FWB, or romance and relationships. You can easily find someone that you know wants an FWB relationship and not risk being embarrassed trying to pursue it!

Yes, you do face rejection on dating apps, although it's usually far less of an embarrassing situation compared to it happening in the flesh! This is giving lots of people the encouragement they were previously missing to find an FWB relationship - and its happening on dating apps everywhere!